Saturday, January 4, 2014

More instanced grass...

So, I went back and added some geometry to my single blade of grass. I then created a total of 4 different blades of grass on separate layers: 2 with a cut top and 2 without. I bent the 4 blades in different ways and made some more or less concave than the others. Then I added these new blades as instances on the ground plane in Layout. I tweaked the surfaces a bit and actually used two different grass blade surfaces with only slight differences between the two: one for the cut blades, the other for the non-cut blades. I added a bit more randomization especially with rotation and scaling.

Finally, on the Render Global settings for the camera using Adaptive Sampling, I changed the Threshold to 0.005 and upped the Maximum Samples to 48. The Max Samples seemed to reduce the Depth of Field noise.

Here's what I got. I think it's improved over my first attempts.

Instanced grass in the morning sun.
Modeled and Rendered with Lightwave 3D.

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